Spoiler Warning! This page contains information that could reveal plot secrets or ruin puzzles! Read with caution, or not at all! |
The Editor that comes included with the Loonyland 2 Collector's Edition has not been explored thoroughly. However, the addon_making_info.txt file that comes in the addons directory of the LL2CE folder has a lot of information.
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Getting the Editor[]
The Editor is accessible from the main menu by those with Loonyland 2 Collector's Edition installed.
Playing Your Worlds[]
To play a custom world, start a new game. Instead of starting with "Go!" immediately, move left and right while "Go!" is selected to change the current campaign.
Using the Editor[]
- You are viewing information about Loonyland 2 editing. Some information is specific to certain games, indicated by the icons.
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Basic Controls[]
- Move around using the 8, 4, 6 and 2 keys on the number pad, when Num Lock is on.
- Delete things by pressing backspace while hovering over them.
- Shift + W, A, X, D to resize a level.
Tagging is an important part of making things work as you want in Loonyland 1 and 2. The tag number is at the bottom-middle of the screen, and this is changed up and down by pressing ' (apostrophe) and ; (semi-colon). You place a tag on the highlighted square by pressing t. Tags can be used in specials for many things, and monsters take on the tag of the square they are placed on.
There are several tags with global significance in both Loonyland and Loonyland 2. These are:
- A square tagged 255 is impassible to non-player monsters (in Loonyland 2, monsters will not be randomly placed here)
- A square tagged 254 is impassible to unfriendly monsters (goodguys can still pass over it)
All of Kid Mystic, Dr. Lunatic, Loonyland, and Loonyland 2 support Specials. These are used for many different effects, including transportation between levels and a variety of other things such as signs and collectibles. Triggers are conditions that cause a special to be activated, and Effects are what happens when the special is activated.
The 'Multiple Uses' special flag allows a special to be triggered more than once. The 'Show Message' special flag causes the special to show a message upon being triggered.
There are two brands of specials: Loonyland and Loonyland 2's more complex setup, owing to tags, and the simpler setup of Kid Mystic and the original Dr. Lunatic. In Kid Mystic and Dr. Lunatic triggers lack the other number, x, and y parameters, and effects lack the tag parameter (only the Loonyland games use tags). The names of certain triggers and effects are also different between the two brands.
Special Tags[]
Skill Tags[]
Talent Tags[]0. Chopping
Villager Tags[]0. Talking to Yourself
Text Files[]
Any Loonyland 2 campaign must have an associated text file; if the world name is myamazingworld.llw, the text file should be named lvl_myamazingworld.txt. This text file follows a special format:
Title of Campaign
Level info
Level info
There should be a level info line for each level in the campaign; if there are extra ones, they are ignored, and if there are less than needed than the data from the original Loonyland campaign will be substituted (see LL2 Editing Default Text File). Each level info line should follow this format: {TYPE,{MONS1,MONS2,MONS3,MONS4,MONS5},MONSNUM,{ASBESTOS,BUBBLEWEED,CILANTRO,DEVILGRASS,ELDERBERRY,FROSTBANE,CRACKS},SONG}, // COMMENT
- TYPE: The type of level. This should be one of:
- 0 for a normal, monster-filled level.
- LF_TOWN for a town/respawn point.
- LF_ARENA for an arena match. This modifies some game rules.
- MONS1-MONS5: Monster identifiers for monsters that appear. Leftmost is most likely to appear, rightmost is least likely to appear. See LL2 Editing Constants below
- MONSNUM: The number of monsters that should be randomly placed.
- ASBESTOS-CRACKS: The maximum number (the actual number is random) of herbs/mining cracks of that type that will appear.
- SONG: The song number. This should be one of:
- A number, for the song named songXXX.ogg
- SONG_TOWN, for the town song
- SONG_CAVES, for caves
- SONG_WINTER, for the woods
- SONG_BOSS, for the throne room, HSB fight, and arena matches
- SONG_UNDERWORLD, for the underworld
- SONG_FACTORY, for the Toy Factory and Castle von Frostburn
- COMMENT: this part is optional, and is usually used to serve as a reminder as to what level this entry matches
Here's a trick: start a character in your new game (or if you have one already, play that character), and then exit immediately back to the title screen. At the top of the title screen, it will print out the first error it found in your text file, and which line it's on. If there's nothing there, then you have no errors in your text file.
Many of the specials in Loonyland 2 work with variables. The range 516 to 900 is free for use by a world designer, and the rest are reserved in one form or another. Each variable can hold a value from 0 to 255, though 0 and 1 are the most common. If a "quest assigned" variable is enabled, the "New Quest" box will pop up. If you set a "quest completed" variable, the "Quest Done" box will pop up, the quest will automatically be marked assigned, and you will get 100xp for the quest (or 1000xp in Madcap).
- 0 to 49: Quest assigned variables (for quest N)
- 50 to 99: Quest completed variables (for quest N-50)
- 100: Number of kills for a Prove Yourself quest
- 101 to 199: Collected present N-100?
- 200: Has the Magic Hat been killed?
- 201: Has the Stone Rose been killed?
- 202-216: Have been to certain places.
- 202: Eisburg (is always there)
- 203: Tina's Arena
- 204: Baskerville
- 205: Frosty Cliffs
- 206: Haunted Highway
- 207: Glacial Gorge
- 208-216: Unused
- 217: Has Melody been unlocked?
- 218: Is the Toy Factory destroyed?
- 219: Has the Stinky Sock boss been killed?
- 220-221: Have the choppable trees been chopped?
- 220: Limpid Lake
- 221: Westwood
- 222: How many rats remain in Mickey's cellar (0 means you can get money from Mickey)
- 240-255: Temporary variables, cleared when leaving a level
- 256-305: Has a treasure chest been opened? (for chest tagged N-256)
- 306: Has Klonk been killed?
- 307: Toys killed count for Mickey's quest
- 308: Bears killed for Hank's quest
- 309: 0 for Onion side, 1 for Snuggly Bunny side
- 310: Has Killbor been defeated?
- 311: Have the Magic Glasses been attained?
- 312: Number of swords collected in Arena sword level
- 313-320: Has a rope bridge been built? (for bridge tagged N-313)
- 321: Has Ratatouille been defeated?
- 322: Have you chatted with the Onion to decide your alignment?
- 323: Has the first floor of the Factory been cleared?
- 324: Has the Burning Bush been killed?
- 325: Has the Trigun been killed?
- 326-329: Has a merchant been shaken down? (Variable 326 also used by Snuggly Bunnies for their quest)
- 330: Has the supply base been destroyed?
- 331: Has the rumble been won?
- 332: Has the player broken out of prison?
- 333: Has the Junksmith been killed?
- 334: Has the highway mission been completed? (Snuggly Bunny)
- 335-349: How many of each item are used in your clockwork bot
- In order: Log, Gear, Tin Can, Stuffing, Sock, Ice Cube, Seed, Rock, Ectoplasm, Claw, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond
- 350: Lower half of the Clockbot's current health for going between levels (see variable 452)
- 351: Which talent you are talking to the Guru about
- 352: Has the Historian received the library book?
- 353-357: Has a crystal barrier been opened? (barrier tagged N-353)
- 358: Has Gourdzilla been killed?
- 359-360: Bodzhas left alive on the two sides of Shroom Forest
- 359: Left side
- 360: Right side
- 361: Has Shrumford been youngified?
- 362-371: Has a Bokbok been rescued? (Bokbok tagged N-361 - bokbok tagged 1 is variable 362)
- 372: Number of Bokboks that have been returned
- 373: Has the Furnace been lit?
- 374: Timer for the Justhef Axe
- 375-384: Has a Titanic Titan been slain? (Titan tagged N-375)
- 385: The Captain's status at the furnace. One of:
- 0: None
- 1: Arrived
- 2: Active
- 3: Dead
- 386-410: Has a tip been shown? (Tip N-386)
- 411: Has Frostburn's front door been smashed?
- 412-416: Current life of the Prototype puppets
- 417: Has Baron von Frostburn been defeated?
- 418: Has Titan King Melton been defeated?
- 419-422: Has a switch in Frostburn been flipped? (Switch tagged N-419)
- 423: Has a Mimic been tamed for the Magicsmith? One of:
- 0: No mimic tamed
- 1: Tamed for Magicsmith
- 2: Tamed for Loony
- 3: Tamed for Magicsmith and Loony
- 424-427: Has a switch in Frostburn floor 2 been flipped? (Switch tagged N-424)
- 428-432: Which spell is in place in each of the 5 spots in the spell menu
- 433: Has the HSB spoken to the player?
- 434: Is the player in Madcap mode?
- 435-445: How many of each type of Madcap crystal has been purchased
- 435: Might crystals
- 436: Life crystals
- 437: Shield crystals
- 438: Curse crystals
- 439: Health crystals
- 440: Shock crystals
- 441: Fire crystals
- 442: Ice crystals
- 443: Wind crystals
- 444: Nature crystals
- 445: Death crystals
- 446-449: The three modifiers you are using. (Modifier N-446)
- 450: Number of Crystal Points available
- 451: How long until you can Parry again
- 452: Upper half of the Clockbot's life variable (see variable 350)
- 453-472: Profile control settings. Do not change these!
- 473-482: Skipped numbers (no information!)
- 483: Player sound volume. Do not change this!
- 484: Player music volume. Do not change this!
- 485: Is the commentary enabled? Do not change this!
- 486-511: Kill counters, two bytes each
- 486-487: Ghosts busted.
- 488-489: Ice beasts iced.
- 490-491: Bears bonked.
- 492-493: Mice Mashed.
- 494-495: Bodzhas beaten.
- 496-497: Puppets popped.
- 498-499: Monkeys socked.
- 500-501: Stone beasts stomped.
- 502-503: Shrooms shattered.
- 504-505: Soldiers sorted.
- 506-507: Plants placated.
- 508-509: Gangsters ganked.
- 510-511: Knights knifed.
- 512: Arena wins
- 513: Player deaths
- 514: Has the Flame skill been paid for this attack?
- 515: Number of trees Klonk has smashed
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Constants have numbers, names, and 'values'. The number is used when referring to the constant in a special, the name is used for identification and in text files in the case of monster constants, and the 'value' is what the constant means.
NOTE: Item constants can be found in the item menu in the editor, but the artifact bit is past the screen. Artifact bit: 211
Hardcoded Things[]
- The main campaign has VERY few specials. Instead, most of the interesting things that happen are hardcoded.
- Any campaigns MUST have at least 6 levels. This is because, in a new adventure, Loony starts where you have placed him in Level 05, which is Woody's Cabin in the original game. (The level numbers start from 0.)
- The following monsters will not work properly when placed:
- Cryozoid
- Toasties (However, if you have the Toasties skill at at least level 1, Toasties placed or summoned will follow you and act like normal. Otherwise they will instantly vanish.)
- Lifeberry Bushes
- Shrooms
- Crystal Gates
- To place the player's mimic, just place a mimic monster in a 'safe area'. Of course, it'll only appear when the player has tamed their own mimic.
- In order to tag the Guru correctly, you have to place a villager tagged '12', with the relevant talent tag in the square below.
- Magic items and Artifacts placed directly with the editor won't actually do anything.
- If you want to put any Mimics for the player to feed, put them in level 28. They will disappear anywhere else.
- The "Welcome to Eisburg" tip will appear when the player first enters level 00.
- The "Badguys!" tip will appear as soon as the player enters a non-town area.
- The "Don't Look Down" tip will appear upon entering either level 62 or 63, not sure which.
- Level 43 (the Haunted Highway level in the main campaign) will always have Caravans if it is wide enough. Caravans will always start at x-value 31 (so the level has to be at least 32 tiles wide) and y-value 144. However, the level does NOT have to be 145 tiles tall; in fact, Haunted Highway is only 140. Instead, the Caravans will actually spawn outside the map. This explains the effect where the Caravans appear to be driving from off the screen - because they actually are. If your map is 145 tiles tall or taller, you get to see them appear out of thin air. (If your map is REALLY SHORT, it will take them a while to make their way up from y=144, but they'll get there.)
- The presents and skills dropped by Titanic Titans tagged 1-10 are hardcoded:
- 1: present 77
- 2: Luck
- 3: present 78
- 4: Persuasion
- 5: present 79
- 6: Axe Trap
- 7: present 80
- 8: Ice Cube
- 9: present 81
- 10: Plague
- The Titanic Titans are tracked with variables 375-384. If a Titanic Titan is NOT tagged 1-10, it will behave like a normal Titanic Titan but will be tracked by variable 374+T. This can screw things up. See the list of variables for more information; any variable the game uses can be messed up if you tag a Titanic Titan with the wrong number! Fortunately, if the variable is not 0, the Titanic Titan will not appear, but you can still summon one with a Special. If you kill it, the variable will be set to 1. This can be annoying, or bad, depending on the variable. For example, tagging with 49 means it will affect variable 423. If you kill it, it will set the variable to 1, meaning you've tamed a mimic for the Magicsmith but not for yourself. If you have Mimics in your world and you've tamed one for yourself, you will have to do that again. Summoning and killing a Titanic Titan tagged with 79-98 will mess with your player control settings, do not ever do this.
- This also applies to Bokboks - a Bokbok tagged 0 will interfere with the variable tracking whether Shrumford has been youngified, while a Bokbok tagged 11 or above will interfere with other variables. Dangerous.
- In the Underworld (Levels 48-55), if you enter the level before completing the "Complete 3 Quests" quest, the level will be full of Ice Titans and "Goto Map" specials will not work. (Geysers still will, however.) After you complete that quest, each randomly generated enemy in these levels has a random chance to be replaced with an Ice Titan until you complete the "fix the furnace" quest.
- Levels 42 and 46 are the Onion Ring and Snuggly Bunny HQ, respectively. If you join one of them, that HQ will become a "safe zone" for respawning, and randomly-generated enemies will not appear.
- If you've received the "The Rumble" quest, then upon entering level 45, a goodguy army (friendly Order Knights and Clockbots or friendly Onion Thugs and Bruisers) will spawn near the top of the level and an enemy army will spawn at around y=31 or so. If your level is too short (such as if you used the "New Small" command) the enemy army will not appear and you will instantly win the rumble.
- If a "Frost Gate" enemy is killed (can only be damaged by Prototypes) in Level 56, variable 411 will be set to 1. If variable 411 is 1, whether because of this or because you set it with a special, the "Frost Gate" enemy will no longer spawn and all of the "Ice Block" items in Level 56 will become "Ice Melt" items.
- In Level 59, if you have a Baron von Frostburn in the room, (As this is where you fight him) any floor tagged with a 1 not in the arena where you fight Frostburn will NOT be thrown at you while you are fighting him.
- In Level 59, any floor tagged with a 2 will be converted into a pit when Baron von Frostburn Summons Titan King Melton.
- In Level 59, any item tagged with a 3 will disappear when you defeat Titan King Melton.