Hamumu Wiki

The Maze Of Ludicrosity was a text-adventure Webgame added to Hamumu on February 24, 2008. It was Hamumu Software's 4th webgame, after Dumb: The Game, DumbWords and T.A.G.

The player moves from room to room, as long as there's not a Door or Wall in the way, to navigate a constantly expanding maze. Players can pick up items, which might help you gain other items, or unlock doors. Another way to unlock doors is to give the correct password, usually by answering a riddle, which might be something very simple like a math question or as hard as a Dumb: The Game-worthy puzzle.

One of the most unique parts of this game is the ability for the player to create new rooms when they walk into the "Endless Void". All of the rooms were created by fellow players. There is no way to win this game.
