Two Roads is a Ludum Dare #13 entry created by Mike Hommel of Hamumu. The game itself is an interactive point and click adventure game with very poetic narrative. The game is loosely based on Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken". The game also features "Two Dogs And A Bear", "Flying Pencil Action", supposed "Full Narration By Famed Spoken Word Artist Sir Agyle Postworthy", and photos of Mike Hommel's backyard. This game is admittedly silly but fits the Hamumu tagline "Dumb Games For Smart Kids" rather well. This game was creating using ActionScript 3.
At each scene of the game the player must navigate through a series of photo's of Mike Hommel's backyard. The main goal in this game is to try to scare off the "Stoic Hound" and drink from the fountain.